5-7 biz days processing. Orders > $190 Ship Free ENDs SATURDAY MAR 29TH @NOON. 5-7 biz day processing. Orders > $190 Ships Free ENDs SATURDAY MAR 29TH @NOON.



Hi, I'm Mika, fragrance visionary and founder of Maryland Wax Club. I'm a candle maker turned craft supply distributor based out of the DMV metro (DC, MD,VA). 


Our mission is simple, offer earth friendly waxes, wicks, fragrances and other candle making ingredients that provide consistent results to candlemakers of all skill levels.

We specialize in sophisticated story telling fragrance oils that bring ear to ear smiles, curiosity and double takes. Our oils are the at the level you would expect in a store like Nordstrom, Homegoods, Candelerium.

So if you have ever wondered why the oils you have access to don't have that "je ne sais quoi". You are in for a treat with MWC. Browse your heart away on our website to find something you love.


MWC is a purpose driven boutique candle supply store focused giving back to local and national charities because we care about the world we live in.

We have been around since the early 2020s during massive coconut wax shortage (waxmadegon) and prior to that owned a candle brand.

As a matter of fact, we mostly exist just for those two reasons. Serving you and giving back to causes that allow people to live better lives as well as causes that protect the environment.

Charities we give to: Roberta's House (Grief support for children), Paralyzed Veterans of America among others. We offer Carbon Neutral shipping via a Ecocart partnership; available at check out.


Our vision is to help our customers enhance their bottom line by providing access to a local candle making supply in the DMV. And we are happy to announce that we are the first candle supply store to open in the DMV metro and one of a few black owned candle supply stores in the entire industry. We are also members of the National Candle Association, a great resource for candle industry information and guidance.

Passion and Industry Expertise 

My passion for candle making gave me unique insight in to my customer's needs and a strong appreciation for quality ingredients. There are a lot of makers out there who struggle with making great candles and to be honest, the same saying that goes for computer analytics applies here "garbage in garbage out".


A quality candle must start with quality raw materials. Candle making takes patience but working with inferior ingredients makes the process harder than it needs to be. This is why it was important to me to provide access to luxury grade raw ingredients to an underserved market.

Ethics and Dedication

We are built on values of trust and ethics and are fully committed to seeing you win. We promise to treat all of our customers fairly and go out of our way to ensure that you have the best front and back end buying experience.

We love working and partnering with fellow makers. We offer troubleshooting help for waxes purchased from us so feel free to drop us a line if you need help.

Local Pick up 

We are primarily an online retailer with headquarters in Prince George's County Maryland, shipping nationwide. Although we have no store front, we arrange convenient pick up options near 20774 by appointment. Please see our pick up page under the info tab for details.

Scent Smelling Station

We have a scent smelling station that allows you to experience our oils first hand in Capitol Heights, MD. The scent displays includes all of our oils which can later be purchased online. No same day purchase available. Please reach out via the contact us page for the exact location. No appointments needed.

I am happy that you found us and hope this is the start of a great supplier-maker relationship.

Thanks in advance for supporting us.

To read about how our partnership with Roberta's House started, click here. Giving Back makes my heart smile, so I hope to inspire you to give to a cause that means something to you.

To read about why you should try our Fragrance Oils, click here

