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GIVING BACK | Purpose Driven Brand

Hi, I'm glad you took the time to stop by.

I'm Mika if you haven't met me. Nice to meet you. This page is to share a little about our charitable initiatives.

MWC is a purpose driven boutique candle supply store focused on giving back to local and national charities because we care about the world we live in.

As a matter of fact, we mostly exist for two reasons. Serving you and giving back to causes that allow people to live better lives as well as causes that protect the environment.

The Why

First, we feel obligated to give back because of the resources we use in ecommerce. Do you know how much packaging is used and carbon emission expelled in ecommerce? Its alot. This is why we partnered with Ecocart to offset carbon shipping. The option for shipping your package carbon neutral is available at check out.

Second, we give back because there are many people around America and the World who are suffering and we would like to do our part in offsetting that by giving to causes that aligns with our hearts. 

We dont have to do any of this but we have a responsibility as global citizens to contribute. Your purchase helps us do that. Business is not just about profits, its about people too.

Various Charitable Efforts.

Charities we give to on a rolling basis, adding more everyday: 

Roberta's House (Grief support for children)

Paralyzed Veterans of America

Joyful Heart Foundation

SEQ Hope Foundation

Joi's Angel's

Frosted Faces Foundation 

DC Autism Parents


One Tree Planted- Planned Donation